
Welcome to CDP-Patches!

Install it from PyPI

pip install cdp-patches
Or for Full Linting

(Includes: playwright, botright, selenium, selenium_driverless)

pip install cdp-patches[automation_linting]

Leak Patches

Input Package

First Script

Sync Usage

from cdp_patches.input import SyncInput

sync_input = SyncInput(pid=pid)
# Or
sync_input = SyncInput(browser=browser)

# Dispatch Inputs"left", 100, 100)  # Left click at (100, 100)
sync_input.double_click("left", 100, 100)  # Left double-click at (100, 100)
sync_input.down("left", 100, 100)  # Left mouse button down at (100, 100)
sync_input.up("left", 100, 100)  # Left mouse button up at (100, 100)
sync_input.move(100, 100)  # Move mouse to (100, 100)
sync_input.scroll("down", 10)  # Scroll down by 10 lines
sync_input.type("Hello World!")  # Type "Hello WorldS

Sync Usage

Async Usage

import asyncio

from cdp_patches.input import AsyncInput

async def main():
    async_input = await AsyncInput(pid=pid)
    # Or
    async_input = await AsyncInput(browser=browser)
    # Dispatch Inputs
    await"left", 100, 100)  # Left click at (100, 100)
    await async_input.double_click("left", 100, 100)  # Left double-click at (100, 100)
    await async_input.down("left", 100, 100)  # Left mouse button down at (100, 100)
    await async_input.up("left", 100, 100)  # Left mouse button up at (100, 100)
    await async_input.move(100, 100)  # Move mouse to (100, 100)
    await async_input.scroll("down", 10)  # Scroll down by 10 lines
    await async_input.type("Hello World!")  # Type "Hello World!"

if __name__ == '__main__':

Async Usage

Usage with Selenium

Selenium Usage

Usage with Playwright

Playwright Usage

Last updated